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Thank you for delving into this paper. I share many of the concerns raised. In addition to the low number of patients, the selection of those studied is problematic. According to the report they fulfilled either Canadian Consensus Criteria OR Fukuda OR the IOM Criteria (what is currently on CDC's website). None of those is the research criteria recommended for ME.

This is a post-infectious "fatigue" study. I talked to ME patients who applied and were denied based on having had prior fatigue in their medical records. Even though that prior fatigue was nothing like what they experienced with ME. If NIH doesn't even understand that what we experience is nothing like normal "fatigue" they aren't likely to know how to study us.

As someone with ME (with serious immune dysfunction) I don't know if any of those 17 were similar to me. The parameters did not include anyone with an infection. I have post-exertional neuroimmune exhaustion... my immune system crashes when I overdo. I am often fighting off some kind of infection...

I am not looking to NIH to find answers for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

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